A Crash Course in Rust 🦀

Let's learn Rust together.

What is Rust?

  • Strongly typed systems programming language
  • No garbage collector
  • Memory safety is checked at compile time
    • Prevents undefined behavior
      • Use after free, data races, etc
  • Async/Await for high performance apps
    • Core IPC message broker
  • Package management


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
rustup default stable # Install and use the latest stable rust toolchain


  • Visual Studio Code
  • rust-analyzer extension
    • Language server for rust
    • Provides IDE-like features
      • Intellisense
      • Goto Definition
      • Refactoring support
      • Inlay type hints

Creating a Project

cargo new learn-rust
cd learn-rust
cargo run -r

Data Structures


// main.rs
struct Dog;

fn main() {
    let _dog = Dog {};

    println!("Hello, world!");


struct Dog {
    age: u8,

impl Dog {
    pub fn celebrate_birthday(&mut self) {
        self.age = self.age + 1;
        println!("Fluffy is {} years old!", self.age);

fn main() {
    let mut dog = Dog { age: 8 };


struct Dog { age: u8 }
impl Dog {
    pub fn new(age: u8) -> Self {
        Self { age }
    // ...
fn main() {
    let mut dog = Dog::new(8);


enum BoneKind {


pub enum Option<T> {

Optional Fields

struct Dog {
    age: u8,
    pub bone: Option<Bone>,

impl Dog {
    pub fn new(age: u8) -> Self {
        Self { age, bone: None }

    // ...

Wait a second...

  • What if the dog already has a bone?
  • What if the dog doesn't like the flavor?
  • What if the dog refuses to take the bone?

Borrowing, Ownership, and Lifetimes

  • Data can only have one owner
  • T is a type
  • &T is an immutable ref to T, referred to as borrowing
    • N number of immutable refs allowed unless a mutable ref exists
  • &mut T is a mutable ref to T
    • Limit of only one at a time
  • &'static mut T is a mutable ref to T with a 'static lifetime
    • Guaranteed to live for the duration of the program

Results and Errors

How do we represent errors in Rust?

  • Scenario 1
    • Take a bone from a dog that is without one
      • None represents the absence of the bone
  • Scenario 2
    • Give one and then another bone to a dog
      • We can return Err to represent an error


enum Result<T, E> {


  • What are traits?
    • Similar to interfaces
    • Only specify behavior and not data
    • Not inheritance
    • Allows for dynamic dispatch
      • i.e Vec<Box<dyn Animal>>
  • Built-In Rust traits
    • Default
    • Display

Custom Errors

struct AnimalError { details: String }
impl AnimalError {
    fn new(msg: &str) -> Self {
        Self { details: msg.to_string() }
impl std::error::Error for AnimalError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str { &self.details }
impl std::fmt::Display for AnimalError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.details)

Type Aliases

Declare function aliases to abbreviate types

pub type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

Smart Pointers in Rust

  • What is a Box?
    • Just a smart pointer 🧠👈😎
    • Used for safe heap allocations

Writing Fallible Methods

pub fn receive_bone(&mut self, bone: Bone) -> Result<()> {
    match self.bone.as_ref() {
        Some(bone) => {
            return Err(Box::new(AnimalError::new(&format!(
                "Dog already has a bone! ({:?})",
        None => {
            println!("Fluffy grabbed the {:?} bone!", bone.kind);
            self.bone = Some(bone);

More Error Conditions

pub fn speak(&self) -> Result<()> {
  match self.bone.as_ref() {
      Some(bone) => Err(Box::new(AnimalError::new(&format!(
          "Dog can't speak because of the {:?} bone!",
      None => Ok(println!("Woof!")),

Happy Birthday, Fluffy! 🍰🐕

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut dog = Dog::new(8);
    dog.speak()?; // Now we can invoke dog.speak()

    let bone = Bone::new(BoneKind::BaconFlavored);

  • ? operator propagates error to the caller

Debug Output

struct AnimalError {
    details: String,

Final Program

Available on the rust playground 🚀

Next Steps

Language server for rust that provides IDE like features using JSON-RPC with editor plugins that support Microsoft's language server schema.

Everyone loves pets, so let's start by adding a pet to our project.

Let's give our dog an age and make it possible for them to celebrate their birthday. Note that we have to add the mut keyword to the dog to be able to mutate it. In this case, the mutation is incrementing its age when celebrating its birthday. In Rust, objects are immutable by default.

Constructors in Rust are just functions that return an instance of an object. They are not treated specially by the language itself like they are in C++. Because they do not take `self` as a parameter, they are considered `associated functions` instead of `methods`.

Now we can add an enumeration to our program the represents various bone flavors.

Now we need a way to represent the dog having a bone or not having a bone. We can represent this using the `Option` type. `Option` is a generic enumeration with two variants.

Let's add an optional `bone` field to our `Dog`.

Now our dog can hold onto a Bone! However, things get more complicated when we want to start giving and taking bones. What if the dog already has a bone? What if the dog doesn't like the flavor? What if the dog refuses to take the bone? We'll need a way to handle fallibility in our program, but first we have to discuss ownership and borrowing.

Data in rust can only have one owner. Many immutable (read-only) references or a single mutable (read-only) reference to the data can be in use at any given time. Lifetimes represent how long an object is guaranteed to be in-memory for. Rust uses lifetime annotations at compile time to check borrows and prevent stale references.

Now we want to be able to give the dog a bone and take it away to throw for fetching. These operations can fail for various reasons. We can represent fallible operations by making them return a Result type, and we will specify our own Error type.

Result is a generic enum that requires a type to use for the result T and the possible error E

To understand the next section explaining errors, we'll need to discuss the concept of traits. Traits are like interfaces in other languages, except in Rust, traits only specify behavior and not data. Traits only represent functions and not variables. There is a `std::error::Error` trait that the Result type uses as a type-constraint on its generic Error parameter. Result can generically accept error types if they are trait objects that implement the `std::error::Error` trait. For us to create a custom error type we have to implement the `std::error::Error` trait on our AnimalError custom error type. We can implement other similar traits as well, such as Display. Display specifies how an object should present itself in a user-facing for text. The equivalent for debugging is called Debug. Traits allow rust to use dynamic dispatch, which is the process of selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time.

To represent an error when interacting with an animal, we can create a custom error type. Here we have a custom `AnimalError` type that stores a string for error details. We also implement Display on it so it can be printed to the console.

To prevent us from having to write the full signature for a Result that uses our custom error type, we can create a type alias at the module root to shorten the signature.

In rust, a `Box` is a smart pointer to a heap allocated value of a particular type. This is a value on the `stack` that holds the starting address of a contiguous region of `heap` memory as well as its length. When a box goes out of scope, its destructor is called, the inner object is destroyed, and the memory on the heap is freed. This prevents double free and use after free errors without any extra code. Rust must know the sizes of all values on the stack at compile time. Trait objects can vary greatly in size depending on what data structures they are implemented for. To make them all a known size at compile time, they are contained in a `Box`.

With all that in mind, we can now write out methods for giving and taking a bone from a dog.

Naturally, the dog won't be able to speak while holding the bone. So let's add that now.

Now we can invoke these methods in main with a slight change to the return type of main. Note that the ? operator can invoke fallible methods and forward their errors to the caller if they fail. We can call dog.speak()? now because main has a return type of Result<()>. The function must return a Result, so at the end we use the Ok() variant of Result with the empty type represented by a pair of parentheses like in the signature.

Earlier we mentioned that we could get debug representations of types by implementing the Debug trait. Add the #[derive(Debug)] attribute to any struct or plain enum you want to print debug string output for. Its members must also all implement Debug, and Debug is already implemented for all primitives and most types from the standard library.

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